These are some new paintings I have been working on recently. Many are woodland related right now because I really like the woodland themed creations on Etsy. It really isn't anything new for me if you have seen my art, but It made me want to do some more of woodland forest themed paintings.
I did a little something different with the color with the "Vixen" painting (the 7th painting down). I think it turned out quite well.
I have been working on more needle felted figures. I think that I am improving a little since my last post. There are a few more here in my Etsy store. I will add more to my shop soon but they sell fast!
I recently purchased some art from Lauren Minco which are great. Her artwork is fabulous and adorable. Here is here etsy store. She also has a blog as well and a website.
For this year's Christmas/Holiday season I made ornaments to sell on These felt ornaments are for all year long as well since they are not to Christmasy. You can also look at them here.
Here are two of my new paintings "The Musician" and "The Writer". These paintings go with my other painting "The Writer" seen in an earlier post here. All three paintings are available at Studio 12 in Denver until December 23rd.
Also Glimmering Prize is the winner of my pinback button set. Congrats!
Win a free pinback button set just by posting a comment on this post. One winner will be randomly selected. For more info about the buttons go here. I will announce the winner on Tuesday November 25th at noon (MST). Good Luck!
I really enjoy these theme features. I will have a feature for just one artist soon I really. Maybe I will feature an artist twice a month. Anyways. I have started reading Fight Club. It is one of the last Chuck Palahniuk novels I need to read, but I have finally started it. I am featuring Fight Club items from Etsy.
These are my newest pillows that I made. I thought it would be interesting to have little sleeping monsters on the pillows instead of kittens and puppies. They go along with my Little Monsters paintings as well.
Hi, I am Karen Watkins and this is my blog that I will be posting my art, events, and a little about me. Visit again soon for new posts. My website is My email is